Hey there all,
Whatever you can’t figure out in your life, you can figure it out in here. The Emotions Diary is the tool for undividing yourself - understanding why you do, think, and feel the things you do.
You’ll need:
A notebook
A pen
An open heart and mind
I hope you’re all trying this or thinking about starting one. Please let me know how it goes and what revelations you’re having.
This week’s was recorded on your yesterday—the day the US elections results came out. But that’s just one of many divisions that we see out there in the world.
Two things that the Emotions Diary did well this week:
I had to write what was going on till I could form a question to ask, and
When I’m feeling a lot of big emotions all crashing together and not sure how to make sense of them, the Emotions Diary is an amazing tool for that.
Watch the video and see how you can go through the answer line by line to find all the wisdom it has to offer you.
Big undividing hugs to you all,