I am guilty of using these generational terms sometimes. I like to say I identify more with the millennials than the gen x though I'm really an old millennial if at all. But I try not to use it as dividing, rather just to understand what drives some people and why they do what they do. Of course, it's all generalization; ditto with those personality tests. But it can be useful if we use it sparingly to understand one another more; better yet we use it to help and motivate the other.

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Hi Rachel, I'm back from holidays and catching up. Ive been starting to say, "Anyone who lived through _______" and that seems to be a nicer catchall. It's all experimentation to find something that works.

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As I am just starting by my holidays! Welcome back and we catch up when I'm back after the lunar new year ! :)

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Sounds good Rachel! Gong Xi!!!

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