During a particularly rough patch I walked my dog to a cafe and hung out there to allow time pass . A lovely employee gave water to my dog and a treat . Gave me coffee and a smile and a few kind words. She did this on numerous occasions.

Yesterday I returned after months of absence to let her know what it meant to me and how she connected everytime . I’m in a good place and was dressed and made up more attentively than she had ever seen me . She beamed when I thanked her .

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Ah I love that Siobhan! Isn't amazing how the tiniest of things mean so much. I'm constantly amazed at the power we all have to help each other that we don't even realise.

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I love bloomscrolling.

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I love ‘bloomscrolling’…I am new to Substack and only read, I love to read and sometimes just have to comment, I wish I had more eloquent words for you, I have been admonishing myself for moving from scrolling on the other platforms to scrolling here, the big difference being here is (mostly) so uplifting and inspiring…bloomscrolling it is then…that is a good thing and 100% allowed!!!

Thank you

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'...the physical and emotional benefits of doing good for the ones doing it...'

Being kind and helping others is built into our being as part of our evolution. Especially in the early ages of humanity, such qualities are needed in order to survive and protect ourselves from various threats.

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I'm so happy to have just stumbled across your Substack, Karl. I feel soothed having spent just a few minutes with you. Played your Emotions Diary video and was pleasantly surprised to hear you're also Australian. And your voice sounds exactly like Hugh Jackman. Honestly, what's not to love?

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Aww Cass, thank you. And yes, a fellow Aussie. And a Dunn too.

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I say strangers are just friends you haven't met yet.

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i love so much about this post. but especially leaning into the blank unknowable canvas of a stranger and believing in the possibility for connection. helping strangers ALWAYS feels good. thank you for this. and for "bloom-scrolling"! :)

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I find so much division in social media. Thank you for this breath of fresh air! ❤️

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I just want to say thank you for rekindling my faith in humanity with your excellent uplifting posts on Undividing. It means so much to me in this time where the uninhibited, and prideful display of anger, hate, prejudice and disrespect are so prevalent. Undividing has created a safe, renewing, environment with lots of fresh ideas for building unity and kindness back into our world. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

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You are so welcome Jo. My pleasure.

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Love this undividing, Karl. I collect stories of kindness among strangers on my stack, written by both myself and other writers. It’s a monthly feature, and people love it. As you say, it gets to an integral truth about us humans that’s imperative to remember—that stripped down, we want to connect, to feel joy, to see others feeling joy, to lend a hand when we’re able.

I also love “ Bloom scrolling.” I’ve been calling it Hope scrolling. But bloom is perfect. And I’m deeply grateful for the writers and the hope and the bloom here.

Glad I saw a note that pulled me over to Undividing.

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Hey there Holly, I love that! What a great idea for a monthly feature. People need that these days, we're starved of good news. Especially everyday stories, those are the ones that make us feel like we're going to make it. Just subscribed!

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Great points about strangers. I recently moved to a new area and have loved interacting with the locals. Just pure engagement - feels refreshing. Bloom-scrolling is perfect for this platform ❤️

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Nice one Dove, sounds like you're enjoying the folks in your new digs. Glad you like bloom-scrolling too!

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Well...I will bloomscrolling more often... even if the battery of my phone die prematurely.

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I never expected my first Substack comment to be about a dog, but honestly, it tracks. So, hi Karl, you’re the first newsletter I’ve subscribed to, and I absolutely love your dog’s name. Sending a hello to Greece from Greece! 😊

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Feb 27
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Glad it found you Evan. There’s a lot of good out there. I really believe that. I’m amazed by how many people have found Undividing in such a short time. Tells me that there’s lots of us who believe we’re all better than what we see on our screens. Hope you travel well through this patch, and come out even stronger.

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